6 Easy Tricks To Keep Your Car Cool During Summer Season


While driving your car in the summer season, have you ever felt like sitting inside an oven? When it is too hot outside (around 50°C), your car obviously feels like a heating equipment, roasting you up to the core.

Not just this, extreme temperature can also harm the car’s condition. The car batteries and tyres get damaged when exposed to very high temperatures. Therefore it is advised to buy car insurance to keep the uncertain monetary losses in control. You can visit this website https://angkorcarguide.com/ for further details regarding auto repairing and maintenance.

Now as you may know, the temperature is changing and you are soon going to experience scorching summer weather. So, don’t you think you must look out for ways to keep your car cool during summer? Yes, it is possible. Irrespective of the temperature outside, you can manage to keep your car’s temperature cooler using a few techniques, as mentioned below –

  1. Window Visor Or Sunshade

One of the most effective ways to keep your car cool is to use a sunshade or window visor. Whenever you leave your car in the parking lot, cover all the windows with a sunshade. This will avoid building an oppressive cloud heat inside the car.

  1. Look For a Shady Parking Area

If you are going to leave your car under the blazing sun for a long period of time, it is wise to look for a shady parking area. This will minimize the effect of hot temperature on the car. If possible, park your car in a garage.

  1. Seat Cooling Cushion

These days, you can easily find a range of products that claim to be very effective in keeping the car’s temperature cooler than the actual temperature outside the car. One of these products is a seat-cooling cushion that keeps the seat cool, owing to its auto cooling water storage system. It also provides complete comfort to the driver and reduces stress, arising due to prolonged driving. Go to this website https://antechauto.com/ in order to acquire additional information regarding automobiles.

  1. Solar-Powered Fan

Despite staying under the sun for an extended period of time, your car can still feel cool with the help of a solar-powered fan. These fans extract the heat inside the car and promote good ventilation. When paired with a cracked window, the results can be more effective.

  1. Use Blankets

Leather and vinyl seat covers can get very hot in extreme summer temperature. Therefore, it is advised to cover the seats with blankets whenever you leave the car under the scorching sun. When you return, you can enjoy a comfortable ride without feeling the pain of ‘hot’ seats.

  1. Open Windows and Doors

Before entering a heated car, switch on your car’s AC on full mode and open all the windows and doors of your car. This will let the heat inside the car to escape. While this is under progress, do not sit in your car as the heat fumes are not healthy and you may fall sick.

So, now you know that you can actually keep your car cool in summers. Follow these techniques and do get a car insurance cover for 360-degree protection assurance.

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